Cyber Security Assessment (CSA)

Get actionable insights to optimize for a more resilient, leaner risk reduction program.

Our Cyber Security Assessment provides a truly comprehensive overview of your key digital assets, vulnerabilities, risks, and maturity with your goals in mind. We don't just discover your gaps, we also deliver an actionable plan to systematically improve your resilience and align your cyber security program with business initiatives.

Should you use a penetration test or a Cyber Security Assessment (CSA)?

When beginning their cyber security journey, businesses often use a penetration test to learn about technical vulnerabilities. But our CSA goes deeper than the technical layer to paint an accurate picture of the risks surrounding controls, information assets, supply chains, and employee environments.

CSA is the comprehensive, custom solution.

Learn why a Cyber Security Assessment may be a better fit than penetration testing for your organization. 

Get more ammunition to improve your cyber security program.

Get a comprehensive technical and non-technical view of your entire program.

Technical controls aren’t the only possible vulnerabilities impacting your cyber security resilience. Get more comprehensive insight of all of your risks with our hands-on approach.

Uncover what to optimize your security program for.

Cut out unnecessary steps and random acts of improvement. Every Cyber Security Assessment report comes with a step-by-step plan to help you meet your goals and close the gaps we’ve uncovered along the way.

Decide between multiple convenient options to review your results.

Our reviews include documentation, reporting, and a presentation to help align your teams and leadership.

Our Services

From security testing to strategic advisory, Fox IT is here to solve your most pressing security challenges. Our experts leverage years of industry expertise to give your teams critical insight and guidance on a variety of security areas. Identify vulnerabilities targeting your organization, uncover security gaps, meet, and maintain regulatory compliance, and more.

Is CSA the right fit for you?

Our experts are here to help you decide if CSA is right for your organization.